What are Admin/Editor/Representative Roles?

These are permission roles that the (Host) primary user assigns to other users within their organization.


  • Admin is the primary user on the account. Admin can create other roles, set up events and has access to all areas of the Host Account. All roles have access to view live reports, download reports, and access the list of Attendees and Organizations from events and act as a recruiter within your own Organization's Booth. 


  • Editors can edit, and participate in existing events (access your organization's booth and utilize chat/video). All roles have access to view live reports, download reports, and access the list of Attendees and Organizations from events. 
  • Editors cannot create events


  • Representative can participate in events, access your organization's booth, and utilize chat/video. They cannot create/edit events. All roles have access to view live reports, download reports, and access the list of Attendees and Organizations from events.