1. Premier Virtual Help Center
  2. Organizations (Exhibitors, Employers, Vendors)

What reports does my Company/Organization have access to?

You have access to 3 reports: Visitor Log, Chats, and Resumes for Applicants.

We offer 3 reports to companies: Visitor Log, Chat Log and Resumes.  Reports can be found when you click on Manage Event for the event.  Under the reports tab click on the report you want to pull and then click the blue generate report button.  It will then generate on the right side for you to download.  Reports are available whenever you want to pull them, and they do not expire. 

Visitor Report:

The Visitor report will give you all of your booth visitors contact information, experience listed, answers to any job seeker registration questions asked by the host, a link to their resume and any notes you took in the candidate's profile.  With this report you will also get a file with all PDF resumes for candidates that had a resume attached to their profile.

Chat Transcript Report:

This report will give you all of your chat transcripts for every candidate conversation that took place in your booth.  Regardless of which recruiter was speaking with the candidate all conversations are recorded and presented in this report.

Resume Report:

In this report you will see every job that your booth posted and a list of candidates that applied to the positions.  You will have their contact information and link to their resume in this report.